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Major: Microbiology and Cell Science

Relevant Coursework 


General Chemistry I and II + Lab 

General Biology I and II + Lab 

Organic Chemistry I and II + Lab 

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 

Calculus I, II, and III 

Physics with Calculus I and II + Lab 

Principles of Microbiology + Lab

Genetics of Microorganisms

Antimicrobial Resistance 

Behavioral Neuroscience 

Introduction to Statistics 

Principles of Sociology 

Applied Human Anatomy + Lab 

Human Physiology 

Health and Medical Terminology 

Medical Science Senior Research 

Intro to Medical Professions 

Physician Shadowing 

Awards and Distinctions


University of Florida Honors Program Scholar

University of Florida University Research Scholars Program (URSP)

University of Florida Emerging Scholars Program (ESP) in the College of Medicine

University of Florida University Scholars Program (USP) in the College of Medicine

University of Florida Dean's List (list semesters***)

Florida Bright Futures Scholar

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar (HSF)

Ortega Foundation Scholar 

State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida "First Place Paper" & "Superior" Ranking

Fully bilingual in English and Spanish

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